Orthotics and Prosthetics

At Early Bird Therapy Centre we will evaluate, design, and provide the most appropriate orthotic & prosthetic devices.

Our Clinical Services include:

  • Biomechanical evaluations

  • 2-Dimensional Clinical Gait Analysis

  • Leg length discrepancy evaluations & footwear modifications

  • Orthotic review & treatment plan development

  • Paediatric prosthetics

  • Paediatric orthotics

  • Mobility device selection and provision

The Design and purpose of an orthosis is different according to each person’s unique needs and goals, which often includes supporting or correcting abnormal limb positioning, preventing deformity, providing a stable base when sitting and standing, and facilitating a safer and more efficient walking pattern.

Our most commonly selected orthoses are:

  • Foot Orthotics (FO),

  • Supra malleolar Orthotics (SMO),

  • Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)

  • Knee Ankle Foot Orthotics (KAFO) (Calipers)

  • Carbon Fibre AFO,

  • Dynamic AFO

  • Wrist Hand Orthosis (WHO),

  • Wrist Hand Elbow Orthosis (WHEO)

  • Stabilizing Compression Input Orthosis (SPIO)

  • Dynamic Compression Orthosis

  • Compression Garments

By collaborating with members in our multidisciplinary team on site; we are able to find the best solution to assist each child with a wide range of mobility challenges.
